Angel's Trumpet Flower Essence


Safe for ingestion: It should be known that flower essences are a vibrational and not pharmacological extract, meaning none of the active (incl. psychotropic or alkaloidal) components are present.


Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia spp.), commonly known by its genus name Brugmansia, is a fast-growing tropical/subtropical tree easily identified by their stunning and abundant downward pointing, night-blooming trumpet-like flowers. The flowers exude an enticing, yet intoxicating scent. Native to central and south America, they thrive in relatively wet, damp soil in humid environments and are frost intolerant, rebirthing after the die back in winter when left outside unprotected in cold climates.

For many indigenous peoples of South America, the Brugmansia tree has remained to be one of their most important sacred plants, highly revered in ceremonial & magical traditions, particularly for its use in divination & love charms (Schulke, 2022). Despite there being no direct evidence of sacramental use before 500 C.E, Brugmansia, along with Huachuma (San Pedro) cactus, are often considered to be among the first South American entheogens consumed, possibly thousands of years ago (Hay, Gottschalk & Holguín, 2012). There is speculation around bioregional migration being linked to Brugmansia & Huachuma with archaeological artifacts found in places where these medicines have grown for at least 10,000 years (Hay, Gottschalk & Holguín, 2012).

Brugmansia generally has a damning reputation for its significant amounts of tropane alkaloids present throughout the plant & its seed (Schulke, 2022). There has been much controversy and well-justified caution surrounding Brugmansia since the Spanish occupation into modern times due to its toxicity and association with “black magic” and “witchcraft”. Its stupefying, hallucinogenic & dissociative nature is often referred to as “dark”, “demonic”, “maddening” and “incapacitating” when consuming pharmacologically active extracts. Despite this reputation, Brugmansia has a rich cultural history and immense medicinal value when used by an initiated and/or experienced person.

For more information on Brugmansia’s botany, natural history, traditional uses & so much more, I highly recommend reading ‘Huanduj: Brugmansia’ by Alistar Hay, Monika Gottschalk & Aldolfo Holguín (2012).

The particular cultivar of Brugmansia that lives in our greenhouse (Brugmansia x candida) is a naturalised Ecuadorian hybrid of Brugmansia aurea & Brugmansia versicolor. The flower essence is a subtle, yet often powerful way to commune, work with and meet with the spirit and virtues of Brugmansia.


The flower essence of Brugmansia is made mostly through lunar infusion, imprinting the flower’s vibration within the water’s energetic matrix. This 15mL bottle is technically a stock bottle, meaning you can further dilute the stock essence to make dosage bottles [read more on Flower Essences, including their method of action, how to use them & how to make up a dosage bottle]. Each stock bottle contains 7 drops of the original mother essence of Brugmansia.

The virtues of Brugmansia can be obtained through ingesting the essence, anointing talismans, and candles, and/or adding a few drops to a spray/hydrosol or floor wash.


Planetary Correspondences: Saturn & Venus

Elemental Correspondences: Fire

Energetics: Cold & Dry

General Uses: fear of letting go, death, change &/or the occult & supernatural phenomenon; lack of spiritual awareness; bitterness & resentment; materialism; overburdened with responsibilities at the expense of self-care

Esoteric Virtues: ancestral patterns & communication, necromancy (communication with the dead & spirit realm), divination rituals, astral dreaming


Ingredients: Mother essence of Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia x candida) flower, filtered rain & spring water, distilled grape wine, Celtic sea salt (Sel gris)

Bottled in Miron Glass


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Safe for ingestion: It should be known that flower essences are a vibrational and not pharmacological extract, meaning none of the active (incl. psychotropic or alkaloidal) components are present.


Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia spp.), commonly known by its genus name Brugmansia, is a fast-growing tropical/subtropical tree easily identified by their stunning and abundant downward pointing, night-blooming trumpet-like flowers. The flowers exude an enticing, yet intoxicating scent. Native to central and south America, they thrive in relatively wet, damp soil in humid environments and are frost intolerant, rebirthing after the die back in winter when left outside unprotected in cold climates.

For many indigenous peoples of South America, the Brugmansia tree has remained to be one of their most important sacred plants, highly revered in ceremonial & magical traditions, particularly for its use in divination & love charms (Schulke, 2022). Despite there being no direct evidence of sacramental use before 500 C.E, Brugmansia, along with Huachuma (San Pedro) cactus, are often considered to be among the first South American entheogens consumed, possibly thousands of years ago (Hay, Gottschalk & Holguín, 2012). There is speculation around bioregional migration being linked to Brugmansia & Huachuma with archaeological artifacts found in places where these medicines have grown for at least 10,000 years (Hay, Gottschalk & Holguín, 2012).

Brugmansia generally has a damning reputation for its significant amounts of tropane alkaloids present throughout the plant & its seed (Schulke, 2022). There has been much controversy and well-justified caution surrounding Brugmansia since the Spanish occupation into modern times due to its toxicity and association with “black magic” and “witchcraft”. Its stupefying, hallucinogenic & dissociative nature is often referred to as “dark”, “demonic”, “maddening” and “incapacitating” when consuming pharmacologically active extracts. Despite this reputation, Brugmansia has a rich cultural history and immense medicinal value when used by an initiated and/or experienced person.

For more information on Brugmansia’s botany, natural history, traditional uses & so much more, I highly recommend reading ‘Huanduj: Brugmansia’ by Alistar Hay, Monika Gottschalk & Aldolfo Holguín (2012).

The particular cultivar of Brugmansia that lives in our greenhouse (Brugmansia x candida) is a naturalised Ecuadorian hybrid of Brugmansia aurea & Brugmansia versicolor. The flower essence is a subtle, yet often powerful way to commune, work with and meet with the spirit and virtues of Brugmansia.


The flower essence of Brugmansia is made mostly through lunar infusion, imprinting the flower’s vibration within the water’s energetic matrix. This 15mL bottle is technically a stock bottle, meaning you can further dilute the stock essence to make dosage bottles [read more on Flower Essences, including their method of action, how to use them & how to make up a dosage bottle]. Each stock bottle contains 7 drops of the original mother essence of Brugmansia.

The virtues of Brugmansia can be obtained through ingesting the essence, anointing talismans, and candles, and/or adding a few drops to a spray/hydrosol or floor wash.


Planetary Correspondences: Saturn & Venus

Elemental Correspondences: Fire

Energetics: Cold & Dry

General Uses: fear of letting go, death, change &/or the occult & supernatural phenomenon; lack of spiritual awareness; bitterness & resentment; materialism; overburdened with responsibilities at the expense of self-care

Esoteric Virtues: ancestral patterns & communication, necromancy (communication with the dead & spirit realm), divination rituals, astral dreaming


Ingredients: Mother essence of Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia x candida) flower, filtered rain & spring water, distilled grape wine, Celtic sea salt (Sel gris)

Bottled in Miron Glass


Safe for ingestion: It should be known that flower essences are a vibrational and not pharmacological extract, meaning none of the active (incl. psychotropic or alkaloidal) components are present.


Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia spp.), commonly known by its genus name Brugmansia, is a fast-growing tropical/subtropical tree easily identified by their stunning and abundant downward pointing, night-blooming trumpet-like flowers. The flowers exude an enticing, yet intoxicating scent. Native to central and south America, they thrive in relatively wet, damp soil in humid environments and are frost intolerant, rebirthing after the die back in winter when left outside unprotected in cold climates.

For many indigenous peoples of South America, the Brugmansia tree has remained to be one of their most important sacred plants, highly revered in ceremonial & magical traditions, particularly for its use in divination & love charms (Schulke, 2022). Despite there being no direct evidence of sacramental use before 500 C.E, Brugmansia, along with Huachuma (San Pedro) cactus, are often considered to be among the first South American entheogens consumed, possibly thousands of years ago (Hay, Gottschalk & Holguín, 2012). There is speculation around bioregional migration being linked to Brugmansia & Huachuma with archaeological artifacts found in places where these medicines have grown for at least 10,000 years (Hay, Gottschalk & Holguín, 2012).

Brugmansia generally has a damning reputation for its significant amounts of tropane alkaloids present throughout the plant & its seed (Schulke, 2022). There has been much controversy and well-justified caution surrounding Brugmansia since the Spanish occupation into modern times due to its toxicity and association with “black magic” and “witchcraft”. Its stupefying, hallucinogenic & dissociative nature is often referred to as “dark”, “demonic”, “maddening” and “incapacitating” when consuming pharmacologically active extracts. Despite this reputation, Brugmansia has a rich cultural history and immense medicinal value when used by an initiated and/or experienced person.

For more information on Brugmansia’s botany, natural history, traditional uses & so much more, I highly recommend reading ‘Huanduj: Brugmansia’ by Alistar Hay, Monika Gottschalk & Aldolfo Holguín (2012).

The particular cultivar of Brugmansia that lives in our greenhouse (Brugmansia x candida) is a naturalised Ecuadorian hybrid of Brugmansia aurea & Brugmansia versicolor. The flower essence is a subtle, yet often powerful way to commune, work with and meet with the spirit and virtues of Brugmansia.


The flower essence of Brugmansia is made mostly through lunar infusion, imprinting the flower’s vibration within the water’s energetic matrix. This 15mL bottle is technically a stock bottle, meaning you can further dilute the stock essence to make dosage bottles [read more on Flower Essences, including their method of action, how to use them & how to make up a dosage bottle]. Each stock bottle contains 7 drops of the original mother essence of Brugmansia.

The virtues of Brugmansia can be obtained through ingesting the essence, anointing talismans, and candles, and/or adding a few drops to a spray/hydrosol or floor wash.


Planetary Correspondences: Saturn & Venus

Elemental Correspondences: Fire

Energetics: Cold & Dry

General Uses: fear of letting go, death, change &/or the occult & supernatural phenomenon; lack of spiritual awareness; bitterness & resentment; materialism; overburdened with responsibilities at the expense of self-care

Esoteric Virtues: ancestral patterns & communication, necromancy (communication with the dead & spirit realm), divination rituals, astral dreaming


Ingredients: Mother essence of Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia x candida) flower, filtered rain & spring water, distilled grape wine, Celtic sea salt (Sel gris)

Bottled in Miron Glass



Flower essences are considered to be a form of vibrational medicine containing the energetic imprint of a flower within the matrix of water, as opposed to herbal extracts which contain active constituents that often have a potent effect on the physical body.

Flower essences are believed to have therapeutic properties that can support emotional and spiritual wellbeing. They are often used as a complementary therapy for support through trialling times in life, especially in cases of dis-ease which may or may not be presenting in the physical body yet are rooted in the spiritual & emotional psyche and your electromagnetic field, making them sometimes harder to shift with biologically acting interventions.

It is commonly thought that flower essences act in a similar way to homeopathic preparations. Whilst this is not entirely untrue, it is a complex topic to unravel. In short, a major difference is homeopathic preparations are prepared via more complex methods and are diluted and potentised 200-fold, meaning homeopathic preparations require more skill and attuned application compared to flower essences which can be safely self-chosen & self-administered without causing detrimental imbalances.


Because flower essences DO NOT possess the active phytochemicals responsible for these plants’ sometimes toxic nature, they are safe to consume without risk of physiological side effects or drug interactions. It should be noted that some people are more sensitive than others to vibrational and energetic essences or therapies, so if you are wanting a gentler plant spirit to work with, start with the flowers in the Cottage Collection. The flowers in the Occult Collection have strong energetic & esoteric qualities so please read the descriptions to determine if they are right for you and your intention of use.

Each stock flower essence can be diluted further (instructions on making your Dosage Bottles are on your info-card included with your shipment), and you can adjust your dose amount & frequency however you see fit.

If you would like further direction and/or support, please feel free to book in with Jaynaya for a personalised flower essence consultation here.

PLEASE NOTE: Our stock flower essences DO contain alcohol. When using in drop doses, the amount of alcohol is insignificant (less than is present in a ripe banana), however if you cannot tolerate the smell or are allergic to distilled grape alcohol please avoid use.