(T&Cs - Does not include express post or tracking)


Be responsible when choosing and planting seed of foreign pioneering herb species in Australia. Depending on the area you live, there may likely be ethical considerations you need to think about to reduce introduction or spread of invasive species. Although we cannot control seed distribution by wind and birds or other animals, for example, we can minimise this by making sure to stay on top of seed production in our gardens by not allowing the seed heads to mature. Alternatively, just avoid buying and growing particular species of herbs that are known to smother native low-growing plants that grow in your area. Do your research and plan your garden with these factors in mind.

Due to Quarantine Restrictions, we do not post seeds to WA or TAS at this time.


Tobacco (Hopi, "Mapacho") Seeds
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Celery (Tall Utah) Seeds
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Chamomile (Roman) Seeds
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Yomogi (Japanese Mugwort) Seeds
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Sweet Annie Seeds
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Wormwood Seeds
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Bergamont (Pink) Seeds
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Balm of Gilead Seeds
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Angelica Seeds
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Bergamont (Lemon) Seeds
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Black Henbane Seeds
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Burdock Seeds
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Calendula Seeds
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California Poppy Seeds
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Catnip Seeds
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Clary Sage Seeds
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Comfrey Seeds
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Coriander Seeds
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Coriander Seeds (Lemon Mix)
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Feverfew (Snowball)
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Evening Primrose Seeds
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Elecampane Seeds
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Dill Seeds
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Feverfew (Tall Single White) Seeds
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Moonwort Seeds
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Mugwort Seeds
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Yarrow (Pink) Seeds
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Fennel (Bronze) Seeds
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Lovage Seeds
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Globe Artichoke Seeds
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Lemon Balm Seeds
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Hyssop Seeds
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Goat's Rue Seeds
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Maize (Oaxacan Green) Seeds
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Mullein Seeds (Common)
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Mullein Seeds (Greek)
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Nasturtium Seeds
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Nigella (Love-in-the-Mist) Seeds
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Oregano Seeds (Mixed)
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Poke Seeds
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Korean Mint Seeds
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Parsley Seeds (Triple-curled)
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Yarrow (White) Seeds
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Poppy Seeds
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Rosemary Seeds
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Rue Seeds
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Withania (African Ecotype) Seeds
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Sage (Garden) Seeds
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Sage (White) Seeds
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Siberian Motherwort Seeds
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Spearmint Seeds
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Valerian Seeds
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White Horehound Seeds
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Lavender (English) Seeds
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* Custom Seed Packs
from $12.50
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