Dosage Bottles (10mL, 15mL, 30mL)
Miron Glass Dropper Bottles for making up your dose bottles
10mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
15mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
30mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
Miron Glass Dropper Bottles for making up your dose bottles
10mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
15mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
30mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
Miron Glass Dropper Bottles for making up your dose bottles
10mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
15mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
30mL (3 pack, 5 pack, 10 pack)
How to make up a Dosage Bottle:
A dosage bottle (otherwise known as a ‘treatment bottle’) can be considered as a more refined essence of the stock bottle, useful for supporting work on chronic or deep-seated manifestations rooted in the emotional and spiritual bodies. Best results are with consistent long-term use, which may vary from 2 weeks - 3+ months depending on the person and intention of use.
To quote Nicholas Pearson from his book ‘Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden’ (2022), “- it’s helpful to think of dilution or potentisation as refining the essence. It isn’t so much about strength outright. Instead, the more refined an essence or blend is, the deeper its effects can travel. Imagine that the layers of your psyche are composed of mesh; as you move inward, each layer is finer than the ones that came before. Stock bottles are by their nature a little denser and therefore work more closely with our physical bodies, even though they are not biochemical in their nature. A more dilute or refined essence can travel through the finest layers or filters in our consciousness -”
To prepare your own dosage bottle make up a ratio of 3/4 filtered water to 1/4 alcohol (70 proof / 35%ABV) or apple cider vinegar and add 3 - 7 drops of the stock essence. If using vegetable glycerine instead of alcohol or apple cider vinegar, the ratio is 50% water to 50% glycerine to ensure adequate preservation.